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We stand at a critical point of judgment. With 'Assurance' being defined as a function of human psychology, given the 'inadequate past' and impending 'imperfect future', we have to make order out of chaos. We have only one tool at our disposal-the redoubtable human mind. We need human minds in the present tense, watching each step of the process and being a part of it.

The use of statistics and forecasting is very limited at the business wave-front, after most of the glaring gaps have been closed. The edge of competitiveness is in the present, which is rapidly descending into the past. The rate of change presents us with two choices-to measure, analyze and continuously chase a real small gap in time, or deal with the present and be open to surprises in the future.

The paranoia is not about the customer but what the other guy in this business is doing to the customer.

The underlying truth is that a product or a service, which satisfies a particular customer need, will continue to be regarded as good quality as long as competition allows it to be.

You can delight customers only once by one initiative. The bad news is that there is no direct correlation between sales and such delight. No delight is possible without an interwoven sacrifice for the incremental element. And then that element of delight is a one-time thing.









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